Wednesday, June 1, 2022

The Do’s And Don'ts Of Designing A Successful QR Code

With all the benefits presented by QR codes and how they work, it's a shame to see so many companies making mistakes when they're designing their code. This article has you covered with 8 do’s and don'ts of designing a successful QR code so you'll know better than to make these mistakes!


When it comes to QR codes, there are definitely some do’s and don’ts when it comes to designing a successful one. QR codes can be a great way to engage with your audience and provide them with quick and easy access to information or content. However, if not designed correctly, QR codes can be confusing and difficult to scan. Here are some tips to keep in mind when designing a QR code for your next marketing campaign:

Common Mistakes Made During Designing

1. Not making the code big enough – The minimum size for a QR code is 1cm x 1cm. Anything smaller than that and the code becomes unreadable.

2. Not using a high-contrast background – A QR code needs to be placed on a high-contrast background in order to be scanned properly. This means that you should avoid placing it on a busy background or one with a lot of colors.

This is an example of a QR code which is too complex and does not have enough contrast and so is unscannable

3. Making the code too complex – A QR code should be simple and easy to understand. Avoid adding too much information or making it too difficult to scan.

4. Not testing the code – Always test your QR code before you launch it to make sure it works properly. There are many free online tools that you can use to do this.

5. Not tracking the code – Once your QR code is launched, be sure to track its performance so you can see how many people are scanning it and what they are doing afterwards. This will help you determine whether or not the code is successful and make changes if necessary.

Tips and Tricks for Designing a Successful QR Code

When it comes to QR codes, there are a few things you should do in order to ensure that your code is successful. First, make sure that your code is clear and easy to read. The last thing you want is for someone to scan your code and be unable to decipher what it says. Secondly, use an attractive design for your QR code. A bland, boring design is not going to encourage people to scan your code. Finally, make sure that your QR code leads to a mobile-friendly destination. If someone scans your code and ends up on a website that isn't optimized for mobile, they're likely to give up and move on.

There are also a few things you should avoid when designing your QR code. First, don't make your QR code too small. It should be large enough that people can easily scan it with their phone camera. Second, don't put your QR code in a place where it will be difficult to scan. If people have to struggle to get their phone in the right position to scan your code, they're likely to give up and move on. Third, don't use a complex design for your QR code. The more complex your design, the more difficult it will be for


QR codes are an essential part of any marketing campaign, but they need to be designed correctly in order to be successful. By following the do’s and don’ts listed in this article, you can make sure that your QR code is effective and will help you achieve your marketing goals.

The Do’s And Don'ts Of Designing A Successful QR Code

With all the benefits presented by QR codes and how they work, it's a shame to see so many companies making mistakes when they're de...