Wednesday, May 25, 2022

The Top 10 Common Design Mistakes Made When Creating A QR Code Ad

Whether you are a seasoned designer or just starting out, there are a plethora of mistakes that you can make when designing a QR code ad. So, in this blog post, we will go over the top 10 common mistakes made and how to avoid them.

1: Poor Design

A QR code is a great way to direct potential customers to your website or online store. However, if your QR code is poorly designed, it will not be effective in attracting customers.

There are a few common design mistakes that people make when creating QR codes. First, they use low-resolution images. This makes the QR code hard to scan and can even cause it to be unreadable.

Second, they use complex designs. A QR code should be simple and easy to understand. If it is too complex, people will not be able to scan it properly.

Third, they do not include a call to action. A QR code should tell people what to do once they scan it. For example, it could say “Visit our website for more information” or “Scan for a chance to win a prize”.

Fourth, they use poor color choices. The colors you use in your QR code should contrast well so that people can easily see it. 

Finally, they forget to test their QR code. Before you launch your campaign, make sure to test your QR code to ensure that it works. Always test your QR code!

2: Messy Text

1. When creating a QR code ad, make sure the text is clear and legible. Messy or poorly-designed text can make it difficult for people to scan your QR code, which can lead to frustration and ultimately, a lower success rate.

2. Another common mistake is using too much text in your QR code ad. Keep the amount of text to a minimum so that people can easily scan and read your QR code.

3. Make sure the colors you use in your QR code ad are contrasting. This will make it easier for people to scan your QR code and will also make it more visually appealing.

3: Unnecessary Visuals

1. Don’t use too many visuals – QR codes are meant to be scanned quickly, so your ad should be simple and to the point.

2. Don’t use visuals that are too small – people need to be able to see your ad clearly in order to scan it.

3. Don’t use visuals that are too busy – Again, you want people to be able to scan your code quickly and easily, so avoid using busy or cluttered visuals.

4. Make sure your visuals are relevant – Your QR code should lead people to something that is relevant to your ad and/or business.

4: Too Many Colors

When it comes to choosing colors for your QR code, it is important to use colors that contrast well with each other. This will make it easier for people to scan your QR code.

Some of the best color combinations include black and white, black and yellow, or white and blue. Avoid using colors that are too similar to each other, as this can make your QR code more difficult to scan.

It is also important to avoid using too many colors in your QR code. Using more than two colors can make your code more difficult to read. Stick to using two colors that contrast well with each other. And remember, always test your QR codes!

5: Too Much White Space

One of the most common design mistakes made when creating a QR code ad is to include too much white space. White space is important in design, but it should be used sparingly. When there is too much white space, it can make your ad look unfinished or unprofessional.

Another common mistake is to use a busy background image. A busy background can make your QR code difficult to scan. If you must use an image, try to use a simple background that will not interfere with the scanning of your QR code.

6: Lacks Simplicity

One of the most common design mistakes when creating a QR code is making it too complicated. The viewer should be able to understand what the QR code is for and how to use it without having to read a lot of text or look at a lot of pictures.

QR codes that are too busy or have too much going on are likely to be ignored or even scanned incorrectly. Keep your QR code simple and clean for the best results.

7: Ineffective Call to Action

Some common mistakes that are made with call to actions include making them too long or complicated, not making them visible enough, or not making them relevant to the offer.

It is important to keep your call to action short, simple, and relevant. Make sure that it is visible and easy to scan.

8: Wordy, Unclear Text

One of the most common mistakes made when creating a QR code ad is using wordy, unclear text. The point of a QR code is to be quickly scanned and understood, so using long paragraphs of text will defeat the purpose. Keep your message short, clear, and to the point to ensure that it can be quickly understood.

9. Lack of Value Added

A QR code should be used as a way to make an advertisement more interactive and engaging, not simply as a way to make it more difficult to ignore.

Some ways to add value include:

-Offering a discount or coupon for scanning the code

-Including additional information about the product or service being advertised

-Allowing the consumer to enter a contest or sweepstakes by scanning the code

Without any value added, consumers are unlikely to bother taking the time to scan your QR code, and you’ll likely see a very low conversion rate as a result.


When creating a QR code ad, it's important to avoid making common design mistakes that can render your ad ineffective. Keep your QR code simple and easy to scan, make sure the call-to-action is clear, and choose an appropriate color scheme. By following these tips, you can create a QR code ad that is both effective and visually appealing. Remember always test your QR code!

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